When you schedule your first email campaign, Sendloop automatically marks it as pending approval. Campaigns in this status require manual approval from the anti-spam team before any messages are sent. This is a one-time process and is designed to ensure that you're compliant with Sendloop's anti-spam policy, as well as anti-spam laws.

The Review Process

During the review process, the Sendloop team checks the following items:

What happens if your campaign is approved

If there are no issues with any of these items, the team will:

What happens if your campaign is NOT approved

If there are issues with your campaign, the team will:

Once you've made the requested changes, you can schedule your campaign again. This will also notify the Sendloop team that your campaign is ready for review.

Future Reviews

After your account and your first campaign have been approved, you will be able to schedule future campaigns without undergoing the review process.

<aside> 💡 Sendloop reserves the right to review a previously-approved account if deliveries or list sources do not comply with the anti-spam policy.
