As spam filters get more and more aggressive, it is harder, even for legitimate senders, to ensure that your emails get delivered to your recipients. This article will cover some easy-to-implement tips that increase your chances of reaching your audience.

Avoid URL Shortening Services

URL shortening services such as Bitly and TinyURL are great for use on the web, but you shouldn't use them in your emails. Many services, including popular providers such as Gmail, behave more aggressively to emails that include shortened URLs. As an alternative, you can:

Ensure that Your Subject Line Reflects Your Body

Spam filters are increasingly able to parse your email the way a human would. If the email's subject line doesn't reflect what's in the body (or vice versa), there's a high chance the filter flags your email as spam.

Avoid Sending Image-Only Emails

You might be tempted to send out image-only emails, since this is an easy way to ensure that all recipients, regardless of which email provider they use, sees your message the way you designed it. However, spam filters still have difficulty parsing images. This, combined with the fact that spammers frequently hide their messages using images, means that your email will most likely end up in spam folders.

Despite the increased amount of time required to craft HTML-base emails, these should be the standard you use. Use images in your emails only where necessary.

Include Your Contact Information in the Body of Your Emails

Because recipient engagement is a critical metric in determining how reputable you are in the eyes of email providers, make it easy for your recipients to contact you by including your contact information in the body of your emails. You should include the following details about yourself:

By including your contact details, you can also avoid false complaints about you being a spammer--users can contact you directly for clarification or if they have any questions.

Use an Email Address That You Monitor As Your From/Reply-To Address

As we've mentioned above, recipient engagement is important, so make it easy and possible for your users to get in touch with you. Avoid using [email protected] or other similar email addresses that discourage your users from responding to your emails.