For each subscriber list that you have in Sendloop, you can also keep a customized subscription form. By publishing this form or directing your visitors to your unique subscription URL, you can grow your audience by asking them to subscribe to your list.

You can manage your subscription forms on a list-by-list basis. To start, navigate to your Subscribers area after logging into the Sendloop Dashboard.

Select the list whose form you'd like to edit, and click Options on the bottom right of its box. In the drop-down menu that appears, click Website Forms.

On the Website Forms management area, click Subscription Form located near the top of the Subscription Flow process diagram.

This launches the Manage the Subscription Form wizard.

Managing Your Subscription Form

Using Sendloop's wizard, you can easily generate a custom subscription form for your list.

Under the Options and Texts tab, you can:

Be sure to click Save to persist your changes.

Selecting Data Points to Request from Your Subscribers

Under the Fields tab, you can select the fields you want your visitors to populate. By default, Sendloop provides you with the functionality required to ask your visitors for: